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About our name 

Quattrolibri derives its name from the architecture treatise published by Andrea Palladio in 1570, “I Quattro Libri dell’ Architettura”.


The « Four Books » illustrate the principles of simplicity, harmony and sustainability which embody the Palladian style.

We aim to apply similar principles to our projects.


To find out more about Quattro Libri dell’ Architettura:

  • Wikipedia’s article about the treatise.

  • The Guardian’s article about Andrea Palladio

i Quattro Libri dell'Architettura, Andrea Palladio
i Quattro Libri dell'Architettura, Andrea Palladio
About our name

A new Renaissance


The International Panel on Climate Change established the need to change the shape of our GreenHouseGas emissions growth curve.


This change implies significant modifications of our behaviour, consumption patterns, investment and equipment decisions.


Eco-design, energy efficiency, dematerialised growth, industrial ecology, collective action, carbon pricing and regulation are key drivers in what amounts to a new Renaissance (see:


Our goal is to help our clients build successful businesses built on such premises.

BIBIENA, F. GALLI. Direzioni A' Giovani Studenti nel Desegno dell' Architettura Civile

Company history


Quattrolibri has been founded in 2005 by Julien Dossier, an alumnus from HEC and CEMS. Julien Dossier's full biography is available here.

Since its creation in 2005, Quattrolibri has been advising the French government, major cities, research institutions, corporations in various sectors: automotive, construction, IT, services, energy, consumer goods, agriculture, circular economy...

Julien Dossier teaches Sustainable Cities at HEC and Ecole des Mines ParisTech. He published Renaissance Écologique, 24 chantiers pour le monde de demain (Actes Sud, 2019)

The company is based in Nantes and Paris.

A new Renaissance
Company history



Quattrolibri frequently teams up with partners to offer our clients the best set of competences, skills and expertise.

Our team extends to trusted partners in the fields of carbon strategies, energy, natural resources management, circular economy, change management, financing and investment structuring, anthropology, video editing, game design, urban planning, event organisation, team facilitation, eco-design, urban farming and product & service design.

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